“This kind of spectacle, so original, creative, elegiac, multidisciplinary, so wholly different of contemporary dance and of the complete theatre history of the past centuries that another word than ‘dance’ should be invented to describe this performance, unless ‘dance’ comprises every truly living spectacle”.
(Jean-Gabriel NANCEY, Effet d’art: nudité, enfin!, in Danse. European dance news (Paris), n°270, 2012, p. 55)
‘Mijn oog wordt mijn oor,mijn oor mijn neus, mijn neus mijn mond.Mijn geest is heel en mijn lichaam lost op.Gebeente en vlees smelten…Ik word weggeblazen, oost en west…Berijdt de wind mij of ik de wind ?’ (Lieh Tzu)
Blondes have no soul dance for silence and whiteness, solo. no stop work Since 2002
Support for ‘Blondes have no soul’ in 2000, date of its creation
Kyoto Art Center: Artist in residence; Bunka-cho (Japanese Ministery of Culture); Flemish Ministery of Culture; City of Ghent.