“This kind of spectacle, so original, creative, elegiac, multidisciplinary, so wholly different of contemporary dance  and of the complete theatre history of the past centuries that another word than ‘dance’ should be invented to describe this performance, unless ‘dance’ comprises every truly living spectacle”.

(Jean-Gabriel NANCEY, Effet d’art: nudité, enfin!, in Danse. European dance news (Paris), n°270, 2012, p. 55)


Solodans voor stilte en wit, sinds 2001

CONCEPT                                      PERS 


Support for ‘Blondes have no soul’ in 2000, date of its creation

Kyoto Art Center: Artist in residence; Bunka-cho  (Japanese Ministery of Culture); Flemish Ministery of Culture; City of Ghent.


2011: France: L’Avant- Seine, Théâtre de Colombes, Paris

2006: Belgium: CC Menen,  CC Evergem

Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp: Gorge(l) exhibition

2004-05: Spanish tour in Cadiz, Seville, Madrid, Santiago de Compostela, Valladolid

series  The Small House for Radical Art and ISTF / Ghent

2004: France, Paris: Théâtre de la Cité Internationale  and Théâtre Choisy Le Roi. IFOB, series

2003: France, Paris: Théâtre de la Cité Internationale

2002: Belgium ‘Kunstencentrum Belgie’, Hasselt; Poëziezomer in Watou  (only the songs);

Théâtre Marni, Brussels,  series

2001: creation in Kyoto Art Centre, Kyoto, and the ‘Flanders Centre’ in Osaka, series

series  The Small House for Radical Art and ISTF / Ghent

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